“It will be okay…” But I know it won’t. And that’s the truth, it won’t."

It's never okay to lose someone important to you. You can never really let someone go but all you can do, and in fact, what you should do, is move on. You, after all, are the master of your own life. Therefore, you are responsible for your own happiness. And the only way you can be happy again is if you recognize this fact. God, after all, gave you free will. In life, we can never have everything we want but I believe that we will always have everything we need.

And in response, genuine Love is always a decision to be made, a choice.

What you speak of as "love" here isn't really love, but rather, attachment.  Attachment to the person, and of course, you can always choose to detach. It's hard yes, but like a bad habit, it is never impossible to break.